You control the temperature inside your home or office, but in order to make informed decisions about how to set the thermostat, you need to know what's happening outside!
Today's Weather

Today's Weather Summary
Partly cloudy conditions from 11 AM - 3 PM, with mostly sunny conditions expected at 3 PM.
Weather Advisory
Today's UV Index

About The UV Index: The World Heath Organization's UV index (UVI) measures ultraviolet radiation. The higher the UVI, the greater the potential for damage, and the faster harm can occur. The UVI can help you decide when to protect yourself from the sun and when to avoid being outside. The WHO recommends using shade, sunscreen, hats, and protective clothing at levels of 3 (Moderate) or higher.
Air Conditioning Recommendation
Set to: Cooling mode at your preferred settings, not below 68° for optimum operation.
Heating Recommendation
Set To: Off.
Look Ahead

Today's Sun Schedule

Today Is: National Son and daughter Day
National Son and Daughter Day is celebrated annually on August 11. This love-centric family holiday reminds us to take a step back from the whirlwind of paying the bills, surviving the maelstrom of current events, and meeting what seem to be thousands of daily obligations, and spend time with our children.
National Son and Daughter Day is a time to go ahead and spoil the kids a little. Be a grandparent ahead of time for a day, and remind the kids that through all the ascents and descents of mayhem and joy, and however they’ve turned out so far, they’re the greatest loves of your life.
Today's Horoscopes